Newsletter Tyco Int de Janeiro
Seguem as informações mais recentes e lançamentos da linha Tyco Int
American Dynamics Product Bulletin – January 2009
New Arecont Vision Megapixel Camera Offering | |
We are now taking orders for a wide range of Arecont Vision megapixel cameras.
Intellex® LT Price Reduction | |
New pricing has been established for the American Dynamics® Intellex® LT product line.
Axis IP Cameras and Accessories | |
We have expanded our Axis product offering with items which support VideoEdge®NVR and Intellex IP.
Update Available for Intellex v4.2 Software | |
An update for Intellex v4.2 software is now available and posted on the American Dynamics web site.
1-800-507-6268 Improvements | |
Effective immediately, we have changed the options to enhance our service to you on the toll free number for Customer Service, Applications and Technical Support. |
© 2009 Tyco International Ltd. and its respective companies. All rights reserved. |
You are receiving this email because of your partnership with Tyco International 6600 Congress Ave. | Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA | 800-507-6268 |
Origem: Tyco Int
Marcelo Peres
Editor do Guia do CFTV
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