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American Dynamics Product Bulletin – January 2009

American Dynamics Product Bulletin

9, 2009

is the Product Bulletin from American Dynamics®. This includes all
product line changes and announcements for the month of January. For your
convenience we have provided both letter and A4 formats.


New Arecont Vision Megapixel Camera Offering New Arecont Vision Megapixel Camera Offering
are now taking orders for a wide range of Arecont Vision megapixel

Intellex LT Price Reduction Intellex® LT Price Reduction
pricing has been established for the American Dynamics®
Intellex® LT product line.

Axis IP Cameras and Accessories Axis IP Cameras and Accessories
have expanded our Axis product offering with items which support
VideoEdge®NVR and Intellex IP.

Update Available for Intellex v4.2 Software Update Available for Intellex v4.2 Software
update for Intellex v4.2 software is now available and posted on the American
Dynamics web site.

1-800-507-6268 Improvements 1-800-507-6268 Improvements
immediately, we have changed the options to enhance our service to you on the
toll free number for Customer Service, Applications and Technical
© 2009 Tyco International Ltd. and its respective companies. All
rights reserved.

are receiving this email because of your partnership with Tyco
6600 Congress Ave. | Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA |



Origem: Tyco Int

Marcelo Peres
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Eng° Marcelo Peres

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