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IP UserGroup Latinoamérica
October 2010

Become part of the fastest growing IP forum in the world

IP UserGroup Latinoamérica Members
Become an active member of the world’s fastest growing IP based Security Technology forum and join the organisation that represents the most advanced Manufacturers, Developers and Integrators within the Security and Associated Industries.
Promotion of your products and services for 12 months

Access to Installers, Integrators, Resellers, Consultants and End User Companies

Speaking and product demonstration opportunities

Exposure in membership journal IPfocus Magazine & eZine

Significant savings on events & marketing activities

Highly targeted Networking opportunities home and abroad

Exposure to a highly focussed quality worldwide audience

Publication of Business Case Studies, News and Product Data
Sponsorship, Direct Mail and Advertising opportunities

Gain all of the benefits of IP UserGroup Affiliate Membership and engage with a community that is hungry for knowledge, keen to do business and represent genuine prospects with money to spend.
Affiliate membership is available from as little as $600 per annum and provides the above benefits…

Become a Member of the IP UserGroup Latinoámerica –

Presenter’s Profile at IP-in-Action LIVE Quito

 Paul Hennings 

Paul Hennings

IP UserGroup

Paul was engineering trained and has a background in electronic hardware and software development, IT and publishing. Having run a successful multi-media design and advertising agency with a portfolio of technology and security clients, Paul moved client side full-time ten years ago and has been instrumental in the successful creation, launch and development of IPfocus Magazine, the IIPSEC Exhibition & Conference and the IP UserGroups both in the UK/EU, USA and Latin America


Read more about Paul…  


Presentation Title: "Market Trends – An International Perspective"

Speaker: Paul Hennings


Paul will introduce the audience to the current market trends and opportunities that surround the latest IP based Security and Safety technology and the role of the IP UserGroup across the globe. He will discuss why end-user customers should be looking to this kind of technology to reduce risks to their businesses and how the Security Industry in Latin America can exploit the new techniques and increase profitability.

Juan Guillermo Ramírez
Juan Guillermo Ramírez Quaddrix Technologies, Technical Support Director

Design and Electronic Automation profesional with bachelor from "Universidad de la Salle" (Bogotá, Colombia). Professional Technician in Avionics with 2 years experience in the aviation sector.


With 4 years of experience in electronic security and Closed Circuit of Television (CCTV) , Juan Guillermo Ramirez is a key piece of Quaddrix Technologies team,  permanently applying all his knowledge in the design and implementation of projects and systems solutions of  video surveillance in different applications and contexts.


Presentation Title: "Video Surveillance and Security – Wireless Solutions to Real World Problems"

Speaker: Juan Guillermo Ramírez 


As the world becomes increasingly security conscious, municipalities, institutions and enterprises of all sizes are discovering that there’s safety in sight. Real-time video surveillance systems are proving to be one of the most effective methods of addressing a wide range of security challenges in both the public and the private sectors. This session covers the advances in the growth of IP cameras and wireless broadband surveillance networks.

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Dear Marcelo,      

Welcome to the October Issue of the IP UserGroup Latinoamérica eNewsletter, a regular update of our activities, new members and latest news.

IP UserGroup Latinoamérica Founder Affiliate Members 


CYBEXIM carries out supply, installation and commissioning and maintenance of Total Security Integration and Automation, Security Systems, Aution and Control Systems, Audio and Video, Voice and Data Network.


Exacq TechnologiesExacq Technologies


Based in Indianapolis, Exacq Technologies was created by a group of digital video pioneers integral in the creation of industry-leading video capture boards and the first market-leading surveillance digital video recorder. The exacqVision video management system software, hybrid NVR servers and IP Camera servers are available throughout the world via Certified Resellers and Distributors.


Guia do CFTV Guia do CFTV

Guia do CFTV develop the knowledge in the security market, share informations, develop new business and opportunities. Avoid the use of low quality systems, reduce piracy and counterfeit. Spread the benefit of IP, networks and Structured cabling. Help the development and use of standards and quality requirements.



Quaddrix Technologies


Quaddrix is a CCTV American Manufacturer, with an extensive experience and a strong distribution network in North, Center, South America and the Caribbean countries. Along the years we have developed an extensive line of products and our customers will find with Quaddrix a complete surveillance solution including analogue and IP technologies allowing users to design and configure hybrid systems that satisfy the most stringent requirements and making easer the migration from one technology to other. Quaddrix main objective is leading IP Surveillance Industry by offering: a cost effective line of network products, the best quality and the satisfaction of the highest security requirements.


Sony Latin America (SOLA), Broadcast & Professional Latin America Division (BPLA), with headquarters in Miami, Florida, is the leading supplier of state-of-the-art technology for television broadcasters and other professional users. As part of SEL, Sony BPLA is dedicated to the sale, marketing, and customer service of a wide range of professional products that are distributed throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Learn more about our Affiliate Members, Click here… 

IP-in-Action LIVE Quito (Ecuador)

Dann Carlton HotelFor the first time the IP UserGroup are
in latin american territory taking the highly popular IP-in-Action LIVE events to Quito – Ecuador on Thursday November 18.
Taking place at the Dann Carlton Hotel – 5 star, the day will include a comprehensive educational seminar programme along with an Exhibition area containing the very latest products and services using IP technology.

Book your FREE place, Register here…  
IP-in-Action LIVE events are intended for people at ALL levels of the knowledge ladder and are suitable for Installers, Integrators, Consultants, VAR’s and particularly End-User Customers. 


Exhibit at Quito 
The Exhibition Areas at Quito will be featuring some of the very latest IP security products, including these IP technologies:
  • CCTV
  • Access Control
  • Intruder Detections and Biometrics 
  • Video Analytics

  • Exhibitors to include:
    – Exacq Technologies
    – Quaddrix Technologies
    – SONY

    Media Partners:
    – Guia do CFTV
    – IPfocus Magazine

    How an important item on the security calendar: IP-in-Action LIVE events provide an educational and promotional opportunity to all companies with IP security products or services – Exhibit your Products!

    Exhibitor Special Deal * – Book a Table-top at 4 consecutive events and make a saving of $600 off the already discounted rate of 4 events for $2200 – that’s more than a 20% saving and only $550 per event!

    *  for Charter and Affiliate Members only

    Eng° Marcelo Peres

    Eng° Eletricista Enfase em Eletrônica e TI, Técnico em Eletrônica, Consultor de Tecnologia, Projetista, Supervisor Técnico, Instrutor e Palestrante de Sistemas de Segurança, Segurança, TI, Sem Fio, Usuário Linux.

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