Geovision 8.3 – Agora o lançamento é oficial

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Segue a notícia de lançamento oficial da nova versão da Geovision, a 8.3, com os tão esperados 32 canais.

Welcome to GeoVision Newsletter –
February 09, 2009

GeoVision Introduces V8.3 DVR /
Hybrid DVR / NVR Software with 32-Channel Support and
Digital Matrix Features

Taipei Taiwan – GeoVision Inc, the leading provider
of digital video surveillance and smart analytic
systems, announces the release of the version 8.3
software package with built-in Digital Matrix features.
The advanced Digital Matrix allows maximum 8 video
monitors to be connected for live multi-channel
displays, automatic channel scans, and video pop-up

GeoVision V8.3 software introduces key features like
32-channel video and audio support across the full
product lines including GV-DVR, GV-Hybrid DVR, GV-NVR,
and GV-Central Monitoring Station, as well as remote and
mobile phone applications.

To provide easy multi-channel management and
multiplexer-like functionality, the new Digital Matrix
acts as a software-based video multiplexer and supports
advanced features like automatic channel scans, and
video pop-ups upon motion or I/O events.

V8.3 software also enlarges the support for
third-party IP cameras from more than 10 leading
manufactures such as Sony and Axis. Users will enjoy the
flexibility to choose from as many as over 100 branded
IP cameras to view on GV-Hybrid DVR and GV-NVR

As there is an increasing need for vehicle tracking
and live video monitoring, v8.3 software also includes a
new GV-GIS application to the Central Monitoring Station
suite. By attaching a GPS receiver to the GV-Video
Server and GV-Compact DVR, users can constantly acquire
the location data such as real-time vehicle tracks,
speed, as well as setting up route checks, out-of-region
alarms…etc, and can also integrate custom building
floor plans to the city map for prompt access.

The object tracking feature is now possible with just
one PTZ camera, with the new Single Object Tracking
function, you may define any supported PTZ camera to
track any movement within the surveillance area.

BlackBerry support enables users to remotely view
live video, start or stop monitoring, or trigger output
alarm device directly from their BlackBerry phones.

Many advanced video analytic features have been added
and enhanced in v8.3 software. New features like Crowd
Detection makes it easy to detect when certain areas are
too crowded and can automatically notify security guards
to ensure public safety.

For more info on GeoVision v8.3 software please

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Eng° Marcelo Peres

Eng° Eletricista Enfase em Eletrônica e TI, Técnico em Eletrônica, Consultor de Tecnologia, Projetista, Supervisor Técnico, Instrutor e Palestrante de Sistemas de Segurança, Segurança, TI, Sem Fio, Usuário Linux.

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